Saturday, June 14, 2008

Roger Zelazny, in short

Zelazny was a science fiction (Hugo/Nebula winner) who basically wrote about whatever he wanted. In college, he apparently showed up for any interesting classes in which the lecturer didn't take attendence, and thus learned about everything. For fun, I have assembled a list of notable Zelazny novels along with very brief descriptions of the protagonist:

Lord of Light: trickster Buddha
Isle of the Dead: demigod playboy
Deus Irae: mutant pilgrim (with Philip K. Dick)
My Name is Legion: non-existent detective
Roadmarks: ageless trucker
A Night in the Lonesome October: Jack the Ripper's dog
Lord Demon: demon glassblower

There are others, but I think that's enough to prove some sort of point.

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