Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Compensating for the racism of CS Lewis

Hey guys. Since I am not on facebook and sign on to AIM on an as needed basis, this blog seemed to be an acceptable medium to try to stay in touch. Try being the key word.
Anyhow I saw the new Narnia movie last week. Im not sure why. I didn't really like the first one and this wasn't any different. I actually didn't particularly enjoy the CS Lewis books either, so I may be biased. Now the bad guys in this one were Spanish. Now if memory serves me right, weren't the bad guys black and/or arab in the books? Im pretty sure they had scimitars instead of swords... Feel free to correct me. I read the books a long time ago. Maybe the were really Mexican...


PEC said...

I don't remember the ethnicity of the bad guys in Caspian the book (they have to be sort of white if Caspian's going to be the hero), but the villains in later books, you know, the ones who cause the world to end through their idolatry and blasphemy, are definitely barbaric Arabs (or, as Jason would say, towelheads).
What struck me about that movie was the climactic massacre of a human army by giants, talking animals, creepy children with British accents, etc. Like a horror movie in reverse.

Muhtadi Islam said...

Hahaha. I do remember there being 1 good guy out of the bad guys. I thought he was Caspian. Thus, all the bad guys are Arab. And weren't they dark skinned?

Joe said...

The Horse and His Boy sure had a bunch of Arabs, and it was replete with evil deeds traditionally credited to Arabs: buying children, selling children, strict social hierarchies, arranged marriages with pedophile-esque age differences, and lack of soldierly discipline.

Yay C.S. Lewis.